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Post Info TOPIC: Tibetan Holidays

Tibetan Holidays

Shoton Festival, also known as the Yogurt Festival, is celebrated in summer from the 15th to the 24th of the 5th lunar month. In 2018, this grand festival will start on August 21st and extend to September 27th. Monks retreat in their monasteries for a month before this festival to avoid stepping on insects and killing them. This holiday originated from a banquet for the monks given by laypeople in the 16th century. Afterward, summer operas and theatricals were added to celebrate this festival. The operas last for whole days, filled with loud sounds of cymbals, bells, and drums. People act like villains and devils to dance in the opera, with choruses from the recitatives. Tibetan people usually watch the opera with prayer wheels rolling in their hands. There are only professional actors from Lhasa Singing and Dancing Troupe nowadays, but dancers came from all over Tibet in the old days. Family groups visit each other and have feasts together during this holiday. At night, Tibetan families will make bonfires and have fun together.

Click to know more Tibetan Holidays.

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