I’m a compE undergrad, looking to begin gearing myself towards a field with my electives. I have an interest in working in the medical devices industry but I cannot find much information on it. If you work in this field and could tell me what you work on specifically (computer vision, embedded systems...), did you minor/double with bioengineering or bio etc., and what the work environment is like (stressful?) it would be much appreciated. Thanks
Hey Paul, I was also searching for a medical centre in Delhi last week. In this pandemic era, I was not able to find it. It was essential as I was suffering from a cough problem and wants to do my chest ultrasound. Then I discussed it with my friend, and he suggested to me nearbyall.com website where I found a list of sonography centres. It is like a bundle of all medical facility, saloon, and spa centres near you. It is really an awesome website which can give you information about all services. You must try this.
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Cartagena-Colombia-Travel -> Events -> Is there anyone that is in the medical devices industry? How has your experience been with it?