When building a retaining wall design, the engineer must consider a variety of factors that may influence the structural design, including the site's layout, soil conditions, nearby structures, and underground utilities. The height of the wall will also be important, as will the intended use of the area near the top and bottom of the wall.
Some undeveloped properties have unique slopes and geotechnical issues that can affect the design. In these cases, the engineer may need to be called in to help fix the problem in the field. For example, the slopes may be steeper than the engineers had expected, or soil conditions are not uniform. This could result in a structural design that is inadequate for the overall loads. A contractor may not understand all of these issues, leading to change orders that cost the owner extra money. Additionally, if the engineer and contractor don't communicate well, they may view each other as adversaries, reducing the likelihood of success.
A retaining wall engineer is required if the wall will be in a seismic area. This can be determined by checking the United States Geological Service's map of seismic areas. The map shows regions that are at risk for earthquakes, ranging from yellow to red, and require an engineer's assessment.
A structural engineer will be able to recommend the best retaining wall type and height. He requires a Retaining Wall Certification. They will also help you decide whether to install drainage pipes. The engineer will also inspect the wall's stability and structural soundness. A retaining wall is an excellent way to add structural strength to any project. If you are looking for a new home or are considering a major renovation, retaining walls may be the ideal solution.
Stone veneer and poured concrete are popular choices when building a retaining wall. However, while stone walls look attractive, they are expensive and require an experienced mason. It's also important to remember that poured concrete is a sturdy material, but it can be prone to cracks and bulges if not constructed properly. Brick, on the other hand, is a more aesthetically pleasing material that is also durable and eco-friendly. Brick walls require a strategic drainage plan.
If you want your retaining wall to be taller than four feet, you'll need a structural engineer. This engineer has experience and certification in the field and is an essential part of the design process. Moreover, you may need a building permit to construct your retaining wall. Contact your town building department for information regarding retaining walls and other types of retaining walls.
A retaining wall engineer will recommend the best way to build the retaining wall you need. You'll also need a building permit if you're planning to install a cantilever retaining wall. Some municipalities will require a building permit for walls four feet or higher. However, other municipalities will allow the construction of retaining walls without an engineer's stamp.